( NAV change from the previous, NAV as on )
Return Since Launch
Launch Date
1998-11-25 00:00:00.0
(as on date NA)
CRISIL Medium to Long Term Debt
Fund Manager
Mr. Dinesh Ahuja
Risk: Moderate
SBI Magnum Income Fund is an open ended debt fund. SBI Magnum Income Fund was launched on 25th November 1998. The benchmark of SBI Magnum Income Fund is CRISIL Medium to Long Term Debt Index. The risk of SBI Magnum Income Fund is moderate. SBI Magnum Income Fund is managed by Mr. Dinesh Ahuja. SBI Magnum Income Fund falls in the debt category so SBI Magnum Income Fund has lower risk than equities. SBI Magnum Income Fund comes with four types of investment option SBI Magnum Income Fund Growth, SBI Magnum Income Fund Dividend Quarterly, SBI Magnum Income Fund Dividend Half Yearly, and SBI Magnum Income Fund Bonus. The risk grade is moderate for SBI Magnum Income Fund. Every year SBI Magnum Income Fund Performance is getting better you also can check the SBI Magnum Income Fund NAV details to know more about that. You can invest in SBI Magnum Income Fund through SBI Magnum Income Fund Lump sum. SBI Magnum Income Fund is an open-ended fund so you can enter and leave as per your choice whenever you want. The exit load of SBI Magnum Income Fund is also zero if you leave this fund after one year.
Along with the KYC application of the applicant, following are the essential documents for investing in SBI Magnum Income Fund -