With the sky high medical cost, health insurance is the best option to safeguard you and your family against any kind of health related issues. The cashless network hospital facility availed under health insurance policy helps you to get get rid of paying huge medical bills. Let’s make it clear. When you select the cashless network hospital facility in your policy, then you can undergo the medical treatment up to the pre-defined limit without paying a single a penny from your pocket. To avail this facility, you need to pay the annual premium. At the time of any medical treatment, you have to get admitted to one of the cashless network hospitals which are throughout the country. The cashless network hospitals cover the medical expense like- treatment cost, room rent, ambulance cost, check ups and also consulting fees of the doctors. To avail cashless hospital facility, you need to inform the hospital that your health insurance policy covers cashless treatment and you will continue with it. You need to submit the hospitalization bills and other essential documents to the insurance company to enjoy the facility of cashless network hospitals.