SBI Magnum Global Fund is SBI Mutual Fund’s one of the best thematic fund. SBI Magnum Global Fund has given good returns over the years. SBI Magnum Global Fund is an open-ended fund which aims for long-term capital appreciation. SBI Magnum Global Fund invests in MNC Companies.
You also can go for SBI Magnum Global Fund SIP investment which starts from Rs.500. The benchmark for SBI Magnum Global Fund is NIFTY MNC TRI. This fund also offers dividend and growth option but it is advisable to go for SBI Magnum Global Fund Growth option. SBI Magnum Global Fund has 93.9% investment in Indian Stocks of which 50.87% is in large-cap stocks, 21.31% is in mid-cap stocks and 21.72% is in small-cap stocks. Investors who are familiar with macro trends and want to take selective bets for higher returns compared to other equity funds. These investors should be known with the fact they can face high losses in their investments. The exit load for SBI Magnum Global Fund is 1% if you redeem it within 365 days.
Fund Facts
- SBI Magnum Global Mutual Fund has the largest AUM among all the thematic funds at the end of December 2018.
- SBI Magnum Global Fund has a high risk as it has an aggressive approach.
- SBI Magnum Global Fund high returns over time.
- You can redeem your units at any time it will proceed within 10 business days.
- SBI Magnum Global Fund invests in Indian companies which have a turnover of 50% regions outside of India.
- SBI Mutual Funds provide a very good customer care service.
Top 10 Stock names of SBI Magnum Global Fund (28th March 2019)
Stock holders | (%)AUM |
Colgate palmolive (india) ltd. | 7.55 |
Cash, cash equivalents and others | 6.13 |
DIvi’s laboratories ltd. | 5.08 |
Hindustan Unilever ltd. | 4.94 |
Infosys ltd. | 4.84 |
Grindwell Norton ltd. | 4.21 |
Glaxosmithkline consumer healthcare ltd. | 4.15 |
Maruti suzuki india ltd. | 4.11 |
Procter & gamble hygiene and health care ltd. | 4.11 |
Britannia industries ltd. | 3.85 |
Top 5 Sectors of SBI Magnum Global Fund (28th March 2019)
S.No. | Name of Holding | Net Assets (%) |
1 | Household and Personal Products | 17.94 |
2 | Pharmaceuticals and Drugs | 11.38 |
3 | Consumer Food | 11.02 |
4 | Bearings | 7.13 |
5 | IT – Software | 6.41 |
- AUM Size- Rs.3489.06cr.(as on 28th February 2019)
- Expense Ratio- 2.06% (28th February 2019)
- Launch Date- 30th September 1994
- Benchmark- NIFTY MNC TRI
- Risk- High
- Return Since Launch- 14.26%
3-Year | 5-Year | 10-Year | |
Fund | 10.40 | 15.76 | 23.01 |
Category | 10.71 | 17.84 | 23.03 |
Rank within Category | 2 | 3 | 2 |
Number of funds in category | 3 | 3 | 3 |
As on Mar 28, 2019