About FreEMI
FreEMI is today’s smart fin-tech platform. With proprietary algorithms that power technology, FreEMI is a cutting-edge digital marketplace that is dedicated to impart technology towards meeting credit, digital payments and other financial demands of such households in India that are currently not being able to benefit from the banking system. This can either be due to logistical problems that may crop up between the borrower and the lender or the complex banking structure that is often unwilling to extend any loan without the borrower pledging sufficient collateral.
Our product category is unique and simple, yet backed by intelligence and efficiency. Furthermore, our technology rests on extensively researched algorithms, datafication, robo-advisors and other technological innovations that make it convenient for us to reach out to millennials and small business houses with products that will not only meet their requirement, but also exceed them on many levels.

Our primarily products FreEMI lending and payments along with other key distribution products mutual funds, loans insurance, and financial instruments that have been developed around intelligent proprietary algorithms to custom-fit to our customer needs. Our one of a kind Mutual Fund Registry platform functions by leveraging the power of compounding, thereby converging good expenses to fruitful investments.
We have tied up with a number of financial institutions to build exclusive products which help you to get access to surplus funds at short notice. Whether you need to up your low credit score, relocating and can do with some excess funds, planning to join a new certification course, seeking cash to fund the annual family vacation or planning for a life post-retirement – look no further. FreEMI is your one-stop destination for all your financial needs.
Moreover, FreEMI’s mobile only referral partner model is built on an open architecture, making sure that what we do and how we go about doing it is transparent for everybody involved – the customer, distributor and our lending partners.
At FreEMI, we believe that all of us are a part of one large social ecosystem where everything we do has its own ramifications. This makes us choose our actions wisely and implement with attention to detail such that parity is maintained and bias neutralized among our valuable customers. We consider it our privilege to collaborate with like-minded people and organizations on our path to collective growth and expansion.