Citi Bank offers various kinds of financial products Credit Card is one of them. Citi Bank Credit Card comes with so many features and benefits. You can easily opt for Citi Bank Credit Card Apply. You also can do Citi Bank Credit Card Apply Online. After you have done Citi Bank Credit Card Apply Online you also can track your Citi Bank Credit Card Application Status. If you are having any problem with your Citi Bank Credit Card Apply or Citi Bank Credit Card you can call to the Citi Bank Credit Card Helpline. You also can check your Citi Bank Credit Card Statement online. Once you have opted for Citi Bank Credit Card Apply Online you can check your Citi Bank Credit Card Application Status.
Citi Credit Card offers various type Credit Cards lifestyle, Reward Cards, Shopping Cards, Travel and Fuel, Banking entertainment Cards, cashback cards, lifetime free credit cards and Business Cards. Here are some Citi Credit Card Features mentioned below. You can opt for Citi Bank Credit Card Apply as per your choice of Credit Card.
- Interest Rate
If you are opting for Citi Bank Credit Card Apply you should know about the interest rate. If you have high credit score your Citi Bank Interest Rate will be low, but if you have low credit score our Citi Bank Interest Rate will be high and Credit limit will be low.
- Digital
If you are planning to opt for Citi Credit Card apply it is recommended that you must go for Citi Credit Card apply online so even after applying you can check your Citi Credit Card application status online without any hassle.
- Go Cashless
With the help of Citi Credit Card, you can go cashless easily but if you want to withdraw some cash you can do it with Citi Credit Card. You can pay your bill with Citi Credit Cards so you will get amazing offers and Citi Credit Card benefits. Also, you can avail Citi Credit Card Flight offers Citi Credit Card fuel offer, Citi Credit Card BookMyShow Offer, etc.
- Customer Service
In all of Citi Credit Card Benefits & Features, the most amazing one is the Citi Credit Card Helpline service. If you are having any problem with your Citi Credit Card and you need to resolve the issue, you just can call Citi Credit Card Helpline and they will help you every way.
- Applicant should be in the age group of 18 to 70 years old.
- He must have a Credit Score of at least 700.
- Applicant must have a monthly income of at least 25,000.
- He or she must be a resident of India.
If you are having any problem with your Citi Bank Credit Card Apply or Citi Bank Credit Card you can call on the Citi Bank Credit Card Helpline Number. You also can call on the toll-free number of 1860 210 2484.