SBI Gold Fund is an open-ended fund under the commodity class of gold category. Previously, this fund was named SBI Gold Exchange Traded Scheme. The investment objective of SBI Gold Fund is to generate stable returns which closely corresponds to the returns that are provided by SBI Gold Exchange Traded Scheme.
SBI Gold Fund was launched on September 12, 2011. The main investment focus of SBI Gold Fund is gold exchange-traded fund. SBI Gold Fund return is 0.93% in the last 3-year return. You can either invest in SBI Gold Fund regular plan dividend or SBI Gold Fund growth. You can easily invest in this mutual fund scheme plan online in India. SBI Gold Fund investment focuses on 99.84% in exchange-traded fund and 0.16% in cash, cash equivalents, and others. The minimum lump sum amount of Rs. 5000 is needed to invest in SBI Gold Fund regular plan. If you redeem the fund units within 365 days of allotment date, then SBI Gold Fund exit load is 1%.
Top 2 Sectors of SBI Gold Fund
S.No. |
Holding Name |
Net Assets (in %) |
1 |
Exchange Traded Fund |
99.84 |
2 |
Cash, Cash Equivalents and others |
0.16 |
(as on 29/03/2019)
Top 2 Holdings of SBI Gold Fund
S.No. |
Holding Name |
Net Assets (in %) |
1 |
SBI- ETF Gold |
99.84 |
2 |
Cash, Cash Equivalents and others |
0.16 |
(as on 29/03/2019)
SBI Gold Fund Scheme Details
Launch Date- September 12, 2011
Fund Manager- Mr. Raviprakash Sharma
Risk- Moderately High
Benchmark- Price of Gold
Return Since Launch- -0.07%
AUM- Rs. 306.2 crore (as on 31st Mar, 2019)
SBI Gold Fund performance is shown in the below table-
1-Year |
3-Year |
5-Year |
10-Year |
Fund |
-0.55 |
0.93 |
-0.46 |
– |
Category |
-0.04 |
0.94 |
0.41 |
– |
Rank within Category |
19 |
14 |
20 |
– |
Number of funds in category |
23 |
23 |
23 |
– |
As on Apr 23, 2019 |